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Access the most liquid Indices in the world through our wide range of Index CFDs. Through our powerful MT4 and PRO Trader platforms, you can take advantage of countless trade opportunities across the globe, via 15 of the world's largest Indices markets such as the SP500, FTSE, DAX, NIKKEI, HANG SENG and more.
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Popular Index CFDs

Access 23 Global Indices

Contract Platform
Type Volume Value/
per Tick
E.g for Tick/
Value per Tick
Max. Leverage Min.
ASX S&P 200(Cash) SPI200 CFD 1 AUD$1 6231 → 6232 333:1 1 500
BRAZIL 60(Cash) BVSPX CFD 1 1 R$ 103896.5 → 103996.5 20:1 1 500
CHINA 50 (Cash) CHINA50 CFD 1 USD$1.00 12700 → 12701 333:1 1 500
CHINA 50 (Futures) CHINA50ft Future 1 1 USD 12700 → 12701 500:1 0.1 500
DAX40(Cash) DAX40 CFD 1 EUR1 5217 → 5218 333:1 1 500
DAX40(Futures) DAX40ft Future 1 1 EUR 15296.45 → 15297.45 500:1 0.1 500
Dow Jones 30(Cash) DJ30 CFD 1 USD$1 12370 → 12371 333:1 1 500
Dow Jones 30(Futures) DJ30ft Future 1 1 USD 34901.45 → 34902.45 500:1 0.1 500
ES35(Cash) ES35 CFD 1 EUR1 8956 → 8957 333:1 1 500
Euro Stoxx 50 Index(Cash) EU50 CFD 1 EUR 1 3482 → 3483 333:1 1 500
France 40(Cash) FRA40 CFD 1 USD 1 5192.8 → 5193.8 333:1 1 500
FTSE 100(Cash) FTSE100 CFD 1 GBP1 4652 → 4653 333:1 1 500
Hang Seng Index(Cash) HSI CFD 1 HKD$1.00 27000 → 27001 333:1 1 500
Hang Seng Index(Futures) HK50ft Future 1 10 HKD 24768 → 24769 500:1 0.1 500
India 50(Cash) INDIA50 CFD 0.01 $1USD 15332.61 → 15332.62 333:1 0.01 40
ITA40(Cash) ITA40 CFD 1 EUR1 19113 → 19114 333:1 1 500
NAS 100 Index(Cash) NAS100 CFD 1 USD 1 5427 → 5428 333:1 1 500
NAS 100 Index(Futures) NAS100ft Future 1 1 USD 14556.85 → 14556.85 500:1 0.1 500
Nikkei 225(cash) Nikkei225 CFD Asia 50 JPY50 3472 → 3473 333:1 50 20000
S&P(Cash) SP500 CFD 1 USD$1 1262.5 → 1263.5 333:1 1 500
South Africa 40 (Cash) SA40 CFD 1 1 ZAR 63211.70 → 63211.71 333:1 0.1 500
US SMALL CAP 2000 (Cash) US2000 CFD 1 USD $1 1471.97 → 1472.64 333:1 0.1 500
USD Index(Futures) USDX CFD 1 USD 1 100.01 → 100.02 333:1 1 500
Volatility Index (Futures) VIX CFD 1000 $1 26.935 → 26.936 333:1 0.1 500

Trade the DJIA's next big move with
Krypto Apex Network

december 2007Subprime Mortgage Collapse & GFC

With borrowers unable to refinance due to lower home prices and tighter lending standards, foreclosure filings increased 97% from December 2006.

November 2016Donald Trump is President

Brexit commences causing uncertainty throughout Europe and Donald Trump is elected President of the United States in a victory over Hillary Clinton.

september 2018The "Trade War" begins

As trade tensions intensify between several major economies the market sells off sharply over several weeks.

  • top 1
  • top 2
  • top 3

January 2009The Obama Bull Run

Barrack Obama is elected president, and the United States officially announces their "War on Terror" campaign against al Qaeda.

december 2018Trade Agreement Discussions

The US and China announce that agreement negotiations are taking place. The unemployment plummets causing a sharp bullish move.

What's next?

There's volatility in the air.
Are you ready for next move?

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  • top 1
  • top 2
  • top 3
  • december 2007Subprime Mortgage Collapse & GFC

    With borrowers unable to refinance due to lower home prices and tighter lending standards, foreclosure filings increased 97% from December 2006.

  • November 2016Donald Trump is President

    Brexit commences causing uncertainty throughout Europe and Donald Trump is elected President of the United States in a victory over Hillary Clinton.

  • september 2018The "Trade War" begins

    As trade tensions intensify between several major economies the market sells off sharply over several weeks.

  • January 2009The Obama Bull Run

    Barrack Obama is elected president, and the United States officially announces their "War on Terror" campaign against al Qaeda.

  • december 2018Trade Agreement Discussions

    The US and China announce that agreement negotiations are taking place. The unemployment plummets causing a sharp bullish move.

  • What's next?

    There's volatility in the air.
    Are you ready for next move?

    trade now
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5

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